The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

In a distant forest, there is a colorful mountain. It is home to all kinds of animals who live together harmoniously, enjoying their lives. The mountain is called Rainbow Mountain because its colors are as vibrant as a rainbow. Every year on the spring equinox, the small animals gather for a grand Rainbow Feast. The day before the Rainbow Feast, the animals on Rainbow Mountain are busy preparing their most beautiful clothing. They make use of everything they can find to decorate themselves and others.

The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

Just as the Rainbow Feast is about to begin, a little panda arrives at Rainbow Mountain. It is different from the colorful residents of Rainbow Mountain, with only black and white colors. Its ears, eye circles, hands, feet are black, while the rest of its body is white. The little panda hides himself behind a cherry tree and gazes at Rainbow Mountain curiously and feels envious of the colorful small animals living there.

The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

Little panda first comes to the grizzly bear for advice on how to become more attractive. He brings his favorite hula skirt that made from grass for the little panda to try on. It looks nice on little panda but make him difficult to move around!

The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

Little panda then meets the racoon family. They made a beautiful flower wreath and put it on his head. Yet all the pollen make panda sneezing a lot, so he has to take it off.

The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

The most colorful creature of Rainbow Mountain, Madam Peacock is also here for help. She made a little tiara out of her beautiful feathers. The little panda does really appreciate her help, but he feels funny and awkward with all the feathers on his head.

The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

At last, the bunny family brings little panda to the wild berry bush. They crush up some berries and use the juice to paint little panda’s fur. The fruity smell attracts all the bees. Ouch!

The little panda starts to feel anxious, not knowing how to become as colorful as the animals on Rainbow Mountain.

The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

The wise one of Rainbow Mountain, the great banyan tree, notices the panda's dilemma. He invites the panda to come to its side and says gently, "Dear child, you don't need other colors to decorate yourself. Your fur is shiny, your eyes are sparkling like stars. You already have unique and incomparable beauty. Believe in yourself, for you are the most beautiful rainbow."

The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain

Upon hearing the wise one's words, the panda suddenly feels enlightened. It has a round and cute figure, as sweet as an angel.

He confidently joins the residents of Rainbow Mountain for the Rainbow Feast. They sing, dance, and celebrate through the night. The arrival of this special guest makes the place even more harmonious and beautiful.



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What's In My School
Little Beans On Vacation
Journey In The Picture
The Carrot Plan
Sun set In Antarctica
Koalas Sleep In Trees
Loss And Companion
Letter From Magic
Little Monster Hixi
Unusual Friendship
Nana Bakery
The New Student Of Forest School
Balloon Flew Away
What to Wear for Halloween
Grassland Sports Day
Grassland Market Day
The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain
Giraffe's Little Buddy
Like A Dream
Grassland Choir
Adventure In The Vegetable World
Puppy Says Life Is Good
Dress Of Sky
Appologies My Friend
Orangie The Cat