Little Monster Hixi

In a faraway place, there was a little monster named Hixi. It had a cute face with a pair of big green eyes and a small tail. Hixi was a very special little monster because it didn't gain energy by eating, but by laughing joyfully.

Little Monster Hixi

Every night, Hixi would bring its accumulated laughter to the world, making more people feel happy and joyful. Hixi also had a unique talent - its appearance could change at will with the absorption and release of laughter.

Hixi loved to create joy, but it also had a big problem: it was very lonely because there were no other monsters like it. It tried to make friends, but other monsters didn't like it because they thought it was strange. Aren't monsters supposed to be scary and frightening?

Little Monster Hixi

Hixi met a little boy named Tom in the forest. One day, Tom was playing in the forest when he heard a strange sound. He followed the sound and eventually found Hixi.

Little Monster Hixi

Hixi was releasing joyful laughter at the time, and Tom was attracted by this happy sound, so he approached Hixi. Hixi saw Tom and found him very interesting, so they started chatting and sharing some interesting things, and became good friends.

Little Monster Hixi

Since then, Hixi and Tom often met in the forest to play together. Hixi changed its appearance and made Tom laugh out loud. They accompanied each other and also made friends with other small animals. Every day was so happy.

Little Monster Hixi

One day while they were walking, they met a little snail they had played with before. The snail looked very tired. It got lost and couldn't find its way home.

Little Monster Hixi

After seeing the snail's dilemma, Hixi and Tom decided to help it find its home. They asked the snail where its home was, but the snail said it forgot. Hixi transformed into flowers, leaves, and stones and asked the snail if it remembered anything. The snail shook its head, indicating that its home was not like that. Then, Tom pointed to the fluttering butterfly, but the snail didn't recognize it. Tom became anxious and touched his little hat. The snail got excited when it saw the hat. It remembered that its home was under a mushroom. The shape of the mushroom was very similar to Tom's hat.

Little Monster Hixi

Hixi and Tom happily brought the snail home, and they were glad to have helped the snail find its way. The snail's home was very small, but very warm. Before leaving, Hixi and Tom decorated the snail's home with little stones, twigs, and flower petals, making it more beautiful and warm. The snail was very happy and grateful to Hixi and Tom for their help. Hixi and Tom were extremely happy because they had helped someone. Hixi happily changed its colors, and even helped Tom change his hairstyle a little. They laughed out loud with excitement.

Little Monster Hixi

Since then, Hixi and Tom have been best friends, and they have spent many wonderful times together, bringing joy and happiness to more people. Because of their friendship, their world has become more beautiful and warm.



Silence Is Fine
What's In My School
Little Beans On Vacation
Journey In The Picture
The Carrot Plan
Sun set In Antarctica
Koalas Sleep In Trees
Loss And Companion
Letter From Magic
Little Monster Hixi
Unusual Friendship
Nana Bakery
The New Student Of Forest School
Balloon Flew Away
What to Wear for Halloween
Grassland Sports Day
Grassland Market Day
The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain
Giraffe's Little Buddy
Like A Dream
Grassland Choir
Adventure In The Vegetable World
Puppy Says Life Is Good
Dress Of Sky
Appologies My Friend
Orangie The Cat