Kiki is a cute little koala who lives high up in a tall eucalyptus tree, overlooking the beautiful forest and sparkling river below. Like all koalas, Kiki loves to sleep, and she especially loves sleeping in trees. Most of the time, she curls up into a cozy ball. With her fuzzy ears flopping down, she dozes off.
One day, Kiki's friend Joey, a curious little kangaroo, comes to visit her. Joey is fascinated by Kiki's tree-top lifestyle and asks, "How do you sleep up there without falling?"
Kiki has never really thought about it. She just finds a sturdy branch, snuggles up, and drifts off to sleep. She can't answer Joey's question, so she decides to ask other koalas for their insights.
One koala says, "Our feet and claws are very strong, and they help us grip onto the branches." Another koala says, "Look at our tail, it helps us balance." And another koala says, "As long as you're confident, you can sleep comfortably in a tree!"
Thinking about the question, Kiki becomes more and more confused. When it gets dark, she can't sleep. She checks her feet and claws to make sure she's holding onto the branch tightly, and then checks her tail to make sure she's balanced. She hears the occasional bug or bird chirping, and her confidence wanes. She's afraid of falling off the tree if she falls asleep and a gust of wind comes.
Mommy sees Kiki tossing and turning, so she gently climbs up to her branch. She lets Kiki snuggle up against her pouch, just like when Kiki was a baby. Feeling Mommy's warmth, Kiki feels more at ease, and her tiny body clings to Mommy's.
As the moon rises, the forest becomes quiet, Kiki kisses Mommy and falls asleep.
The next morning, Kiki wakes up feeling refreshed. She feels like she has found the answer. The tree is a koala's home! It's comfortable and safe. Koalas sleeping in their homes won't fall.
Happy Kiki and her friends continue to play and rest in their green, leafy home.