
No one knew the name of the hero. He arrived dressed in fine clothing, holding a sword, and exuding a charming demeanor. Villagers whispered that he traveled alone, sword in hand, traversing the land, vanquishing evil and promoting good.


He never told anyone why he came to the village, and it seemed he was only passing through by chance.


The villagers were constantly troubled by bandits who raided from the mountains, but they were powerless to stop them.


On the day the hero arrived, he caught a rabbit on the mountain for dinner and easily dealt with the bandits while he was at it.


The villagers knelt in gratitude and hailed the hero as a great benefactor sent by the gods to save their village. The hero said nothing, simply picked up the rabbit and walked away from the crowd, heading back up the mountain to gather firewood.


The village was just an ordinary village. The children there had never seen much of the world, but they weren't shy and followed the hero as he collected firewood, secretly placing any sticks they found into his backpack. When the hero turned around, they didn't hide but instead smiled widely, revealing their small white teeth.


The hero was moved by their innocent smiles and pulled out his sword, using his skilled techniques to create several intricate wooden toys for the children. The children were overjoyed, exchanging and admiring their new toys and having the time of their lives.

The hero stayed in the abandoned inn in the village. He never interacted with the villagers, but he was extremely gentle with the curious children who came to see him. He taught them basic martial arts, helping them to become stronger and healthier.


The children were determined, and nothing stopped them from practicing martial arts day after day, becoming even stronger and healthier.


Just as he had come, the hero left silently one day. He didn't leave his name, and no one knew his true identity. The villagers often talked about him, grateful for his protection and kindness.

The hero often thought back to this time. The village was so much like his childhood home! Only, that place had been destroyed and no longer existed. It was like he was protecting his own childhood memories. The hero thought. He hoped that the children would all grow up healthy and safe.



Silence Is Fine
What's In My School
Little Beans On Vacation
Journey In The Picture
The Carrot Plan
Sun set In Antarctica
Koalas Sleep In Trees
Loss And Companion
Letter From Magic
Little Monster Hixi
Unusual Friendship
Nana Bakery
The New Student Of Forest School
Balloon Flew Away
What to Wear for Halloween
Grassland Sports Day
Grassland Market Day
The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain
Giraffe's Little Buddy
Like A Dream
Grassland Choir
Adventure In The Vegetable World
Puppy Says Life Is Good
Dress Of Sky
Appologies My Friend
Orangie The Cat