Letter From Magic

Letter From Magic

Pre-K Magic Campus

Rachel, an ordinary young girl, has always longed to enter the mysterious world of magic in her heart, expecting an acceptance letter from a magic school. However, despite the delay in the arrival of this letter, she does not give up, but devotes herself to her studies, discovers her talent for drawing and creates the magical world in her heart through her paintbrush. Her magical stories and paintings won the hearts of her classmates and she made many friends on campus. In her ordinary life, Rachel discovers warmth and fun, and understands the true meaning of magic.


Appologies My Friend
Grassland Choir
Giraffe's Little Buddy
Sun set In Antarctica
The New Student Of Forest School
Loss And Companion
Adventure In The Vegetable World
Orangie The Cat
Dress Of Sky
What's In My School
Little Monster Hixi
Journey In The Picture
Nana Bakery
Balloon Flew Away
Little Beans On Vacation
Koalas Sleep In Trees
Puppy Says Life Is Good
The Guest Of Rainbow Mountain
The Carrot Plan
Silence Is Fine
Like A Dream
Grassland Market Day
Unusual Friendship
Grassland Sports Day
What to Wear for Halloween